I am absolutely delighted to show off my new website! It has been made with passion and excitement, the same energy I bring into LalKi.

“Ki” technically means heart, mind, energy, air, flavour, feeling, awakening. But what does Ki mean in therapy?

Gouri Lal

Ki is a sense of something finally shifting within your emotions. Ki is the energy that unblocks you and unlocks you. Imagine a journey in which you are consciously or subconsciously walking, almost floating through the steps of realising you want to feel better, to then powerfully shifting your blockages and then reaching your ultimate goal. This too is Ki.
The past eight years of practicing holistic therapy in Manchester, have given me a very privileged perspective. People see me for all sorts of reasons: anxiety, phobias, physical illness and of course, those issues are always addressed through hypnotherapy or energy work via Reiki and Access bars. However, energy work also reaches depths beyond words, and without exception, it always becomes apparent that my clients have really sought out my help because they simply want to feel happy. Not just a bit happy, but blissfully happy. A type of happy that feels permanent, robust, miraculous, mind-expanding, sometimes peaceful and sometimes exhilarating.
I truly believe that the people who have been drawn to energy and mind therapy have struck gold! From my privileged perspective I’m able to witness again and again, clients directly experiencing Ki, experiencing relief from their problems and accessing an emotional resilience far beyond that which they ever thought possible.